Foreclosure Attorney
Orlando, Oviedo, Seminole County

Foreclosure Lawyer Seminole County

Even with the booming real estate market in Florida, our Sunshine State still sits in the top 5 for most foreclosures per capita according to many recent surveys and studies. Understandably, for most individuals, the most important and valuable asset they have are their homes. When you are faced with foreclosure and the realization you may lose your home, you may feel incredibly stressed. The Law Office of Randall W. Hanson, P.A., is committed to help you.

Foreclosure Defense Lawyer Can Help With:

  • Tax Consequences

  • Deficiency Judgments

  • Foreclosure Judgment

  • Foreclosure Surplus Recovery – a foreclosure surplus is the amount of money left over after the mortgage loan has been satisfied at a foreclosure auction. Our foreclosure surplus Attorney can help you recover any foreclosure amount you are entitled to.

Foreclosure Attorney Orlando

Located in Seminole County, our law firm serves all of Orlando as well. If you are concerned about losing your home in Orlando, Seminole County or East Central Florida, the first thing you need to do is contact a foreclosure lawyer who can use their expertise to analyze your financial situation and provide advice specifically addressing your case and needs. This can allow you to make informed decisions and have the assistance of someone knowledgeable throughout your case. Timing is very important once you’ve been served foreclosure papers. Do not wait to contact a foreclosure attorney. If you haven’t been served papers yet, the best thing you can do is get ahead of the process and review your options as quickly as possible with a qualified foreclosure lawyer.

Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Defense Lawyer

When one files for bankruptcy, it creates an immediate order that stops creditors from placing a foreclosure on your home. This order is called an “automatic stay.” Most often, individuals who decide to file for bankruptcy are able to save their homes and recover any lost equity. A skilled foreclosure bankruptcy attorney can help determine if you are eligible to file for bankruptcy to protect your home, and if so, which type of bankruptcy is right for you. Call us today for a free consultation.

Why is our Ovideo law firm different?

Our mission is to represent you aggressively and defend your legal rights effectively by providing quality legal services. We aim to do this all at an affordable rate, so that the cost of legal representation is not an additional burden. Our team understands that regardless of what your legal struggle may be, it is indeed a struggle. Hiring a lawyer is usually a last resort, so we work tirelessly for your cause to make sure the outcome of your case is the best possible.

Need a skilled attorney? Request a free consultation or give us a call today at (407) 491-2656. We are ready to serve you now.